En English فيسبوك يوتيوب انستغرام واتساب



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تسعير المياه في فلسطين ، وكيفية تشغيل تسعير المياه وإيجاد حوافز لاسترداد التكلفة

تسعير المياه في فلسطين ، وكيفية تشغيل تسعير المياه وإيجاد حوافز لاسترداد التكلفة

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مناهج جديدة للإدارة المستدامة للمياه الحضرية في هولندا

محاولة فهم العلاقة بين المياه والتنمية الحضرية والاستدامة وتغير المناخ

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3053 مشاهدات
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The Dutch Triple Heritage Helix

The Dutch Triple Heritage Helix. A working model for the protection of the landscape

987 مشاهدات
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what is the triple helix portal model of innovations

The triple helix model of innovation refers to constant interactions between academia, industry and governments to foster economic and social development. The model emphasizes on boosting innovation for a development. It describes the role of university to join hands with industry and government. It explains social formats for the production, transfer and application of knowledge. Triple Helix cov

591 مشاهدات
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TH Innovations

Inadaptability and instability of post-industrial society institutions to the process of intellectualization and informatization of economic space, high turbulence of the external environment of innovation-oriented entities determined the need to move from the probabilistic models used to describe processes in the economy to the use of fuzzy set theory. As a result one need to develop and implemen

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The Power of the three

The Dutch Triple Helix Approach Powers AI

465 مشاهدات
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The triple Helix in the Netherlands

The triple Helix in the Netherlands and the role of applied research

350 مشاهدات
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